Friday, April 23, 2010

Survivor Hero's vs. Villians Recep 4/22/10

Happy Friday Everyone!

I am ready to write my first official post. I will be recapping last night's episode of Survivor Hero's vs. Villiams. Ok here I go...

The episode started out with the Hero's tribe and the Villains tribe merging. Right away JT was surprised to see Parvati from the Villains tribe still there. Last week JT gave Russell who was a Villain his immunity idol to supposedly save Russell from tribal council therefore making her indebted to the Hero's tribe. The problem with this strategy was that JT had no idea who was really running the show over at the Villains camp. JT and the rest of the Hero's assumed Parvati and the rest of the girls were running the show over there. Now if JT had been correct in this assumption, this move could have been the one of the best Survivor moves of all time. But we all know what happens when anyone assumes something. It makes an ass out of you and me. :)

So anyways the tribes merge and enjoy a nice feast and decide their new tribal name. They come up with Yig Yang which they said means Good and Bad. A nice throw back to the original names of the tribe. During this time each person is trying to feel each other out and see whats going on. Parvati is seen by herself during most of this time and we see she is actually a real person with real feelings. No one from the Hero's tribe wanted her there and it shows. Even her good "friend" Amanda from previous Survivor's is not really happy she's there. They come together and talk and it really is a dance of how much information each is going to give. Parvati goes all out and tells Amanda she has a hidden immunity idol. Amanda pretty much tells her to watch her back. During this time Russell talks to JT and Rupert and tells him that both him and Parvati played their immunity idols at the same time at last weeks tribal council. Now we all know this is a lie and that Russell had no intention on voting out his closest ally, Parvati. Courtney went home last week. Russell eats this up and believes every word Russell says. "He's a good solid country boy" says JT. Later Sandra tells Rupert briefly have Russell is really running the show and what really went down at tribal council last week. Rupert brings this news to JT but JT doesn't believe him. I think Rupert has a really good point when telling his tribe that "anyone who swearing on their kids right of the bat, is someone I don't trust."

At the immunity challenge Jeff tells everyone tribe immunity is no more and they are all playing for individual immunity. The challenge consists of really tall totem pole with notches in the sides big enough for one toe! I knew right away this was going to be a girls challenge. The boys may have more muscle but the girls, but the girls have smaller feet, therefore making it easier for the girls to balance and hold on. Sandra falls down first. The final 3 are Parvati and Danielle from the old Villains and Candice from the Hero's. Now I have to admit that I do not remember both Candice or Danielle from there previous seasons, but I feel they are both kicking ass in this game. If either one of them is able to make it to the final 3, I think they both have a good shot at winning.

Anyways,Candice jumps down and deciding that both Parvati and Danielle could stay up there for a long time. This move seems dumb to me. The teams are both tied 5-5 as this point with votes and I felt it was really important for the Hero's to win. I think Candice should have fought harder. With Candice gone, Parvati and Danielle decide who is going to win. Danielle tells Partivi has since she has an immunity idol Danielle should win. Partivi agrees and steps down. JT and the rest of the Hero's are a little nervous that Parvati chose to jump down. That doesn't sit right with them.

The night ends at tribal council with Parvati pulling off a brilliant move. She has two hidden immunity idols (one she was given from Russell and the one she found on her own before the tribes merged) and proceeds to give one to Sandra and one to Jerri. She figures out from Amanda that the former Hero's were going to vote for Jerri but tell Russell they were voting for Parvati to see if he was serious about being with them. Now I see why she did this, but I still think its funny that she gave idols to the 2 people on her former tribe who do not like her and would probably stab her in the back if they had the chance. Both Jerri and Sandra looked genuinely surprised by the gesture, so I am thinking that they are going to be be on Partivi's side from here on out. Jeff reads the votes and Jerri gets 5 and JT gets 3 from what we see but I'm sure it was 5. Since Jerri has played an idol no votes count towards her therefore sending JT home.

I am sad to see JT leave. Not only is he cute and fun to watch :), but he also was a really good player. He has gotten a lot of shit this season for being more of a villain than a Hero, but I think he just had to be more bold this season. He wasn't able to play under the radar at all. You will be missed JT.

Next week looks like a good episode and I can't wait to see what moves Parvati and Russell are going to make next! Russell was not happy to see Parvati pull out 2 immunity idols. It looks to me like he is losing some of his control in this game and I am loving it.

Until next time....


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